
Experienced, Dedicated Aviation Lawyers

The aviation industry presents unique and complex legal challenges, necessitating representation by experienced, knowledgeable attorneys. For over three decades, the partners at Kirstein & Young, PLLC have focused on aviation law, representing air carriers, governments, manufacturers and airports throughout the world.

Commercial Aviation Concerns

With extensive knowledge of U.S. and international aviation law, the attorneys at Kirstein & Young, PLLC aggressively represent commercial clients’ interests before regulatory boards, courts and Congress. Contact the firm to schedule a consultation regarding:

  • Obtaining operating authority for U.S. and foreign airlines
  • Department of Transportation (DOT) proceedings for allocation of limited international route authority
  • International air transport agreement issues for air carriers and governments
  • Ensuring and determining compliance with DOT regulations and policies
  • DOT and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) consumer, safety and hazardous materials enforcement actions
  • Aircraft design and performance litigation and certification issues
  • Negotiating and drafting of aircraft lease and purchase agreements
  • Airline mergers and acquisitions
  • Civil and criminal antitrust and competition issues
  • Negotiating, drafting and obtaining approval of airline code share and strategic alliance agreements, including applications for antitrust immunity
  • U.S. ownership and control issues to establish and maintain airline status as a “U.S. air carrier”

General Aviation Concerns

For over 30 years, the partners at Kirstein & Young, PLLC have guided clients through the legal processes associated with:

  • Structuring aircraft ownership and composing flight departments to comply with FAA regulations
  • Drafting time share, interchange and joint ownership agreements
  • FAA enforcement matters
  • Aircraft purchase agreements
  • Negotiating and drafting commercial agreements, such as food service for airlines, maintenance and other contracts

Airport Representation

The legal concerns of airports differ significantly from those of airlines and individuals. Kirstein & Young guide and protect airports by recommending intelligent solutions and honest advice about a variety of issues including:

  • Federal funding and compliance issues
  • Noise and environmental issues
  • Licensing and other regulatory issues

Dedication to a Discrete Area of the Law

Kirstein & Young, PLLC is built on the principle of providing creative solutions to achieve your goals. Having focused on this niche area of the law for over 30 years, the partners represent foreign and domestic governments, air carriers, airports and others involved in the aviation industry.

Contact the firm online or call +1-202-331-3348 to schedule an appointment to discuss your case.

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Practice Areas

Office Location

Kirstein & Young, PLLC | Attorneys at Law

1750 K. Street NW
Suite 200
Washington, DC 20006

Washington Office | E-mail the Firm